Sunday, June 27, 2010
Living & Breathing ArKit
I was asked by Peppermint Magazine my plans for the future, which I happily divulge was to eventually build a self-sufficient eco-house.
@busichic, @laramcpherson and I start up Three Chics, a site dedicated to our eco-trips throughout regional Victoria
@busichic retweets @ArKit call for habitatants in their EcoStudio during the State of Design Festival #habitation.
Excitedly I enter ArKit´s comp, for it´ll be one step closer to achieving my eco-house, a minuet step but a step nonetheless and I think I´d like a nice eco-recon break.
Get @busichic & @laramcpherson to enter for I think they too would like a nice eco-recon break
Yesterday on Twitter
ARKit #habitation announcement - we are delighted to welcome @laramcpherson @busichic and @cangreenbechic as our inhabitants!
Whoooa... How things just happens when you least expect it!
Jack´s world

Seven years later, Jack is still making good music and making it green. His latest album ¨To the Sea¨ not only debut at number 1 last week in Australia but also in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Switzerland. It´s not surprising this man has a mass following. He always seem to welcome us into his world with lyrics that are honest, relatable and relevant. And that´s the beauty of it. To be allowed into his world is to understand that the goodness and beauty within it needs to be preserved through sustainable practices.
recorded using 100% solar energy
album printed on 100% post consumer waste recycled paper
packaged using FSC-certified recycled paper
Click here for more on Jack Johnson´s green actions. I particularly like their push for Universal music to develop biodegradable corn-based shrink wrap and soy-based inks.
¨Oooooooo ooooh, Are they laughing at or with me, Oooooooo ooooh, Why can’t we just say what we mean¨ - At or with me
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes (turn and face the strain)
ahhhh... David Bowie you legend.
No, this posting is not an ode to David Bowe, i am not that great of a fan. But changes are happening with Green Chic. Nothing major but bits here and there and for the better. What can I say, who knew my little "green" diary of life would grow into something bigger than Ben Heir... (well, no but wouldn't that be something?!) Life has been pretty amazing since the conception of Green Chic. What I can conclude from all this is that if you are truly passionate about something, you will radiate from such passion. So with my bronzer and my passion, I am pretty much gleaming! And people are mesmerized.
I haven't had to do any real marketing or self-promotion and yet the response I've received has been amazing. Although it's good to aim big but when you don't, all the little things that happen, makes it kinda big in the end! I love the changes I am making in my life but I also love seeing the changes in others either it be friends, acquaintances or the guy at the coffee shop. Who said one small action can't have an impact? I sure don't believe it.
Anyhoo, passion seems to bring about verbal diarrhea, so I will just get to the point. KeepCup Chronicals will be moving to it's own page. To follow live KC's movements, best to follow via twitter, otherwise continue to visit the blog for not so regular updates.
Hello Lor-ren my ecoboo!
How did I inflict my green ways on this young family? Buying baby organic of course! Though it would seem baby organic is quite the rage as the organic baby´s blanket I wanted to purchase was out of stock. I generally try not to buy baby clothes as gifts, so avoiding the cutesy tops and bottoms, I went for Ecoboo booties and bib. So so cute and I know for a fact from my two darling nephews, that you can never have too many bibs.
Why organic? The same reason as with adults. Organically grown cotton, which unlike conventionally grown cotton uses sustainable farming practices to produce cotton without the use of pesticides, defoliants or fertilisers.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
1000 £ Bend unimpresssed high 5

Sent from my iPhone
Monday, June 21, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Passing wind charges iPhone

What is HYmini? HYmini is a hybrid green portable power station, capturing wind power with a built in generator and then storing it in an internal battery. My HYmini came with a bike attachment, which is quite befitting, but it can also be attached to your car window and shoulder if you are the avid runner, which I am not.
2 birds 1 stone, luv it! I cycle to lose a few pounds, who am I kidding I cycle to achieve hotness! And I cycle to charge up my iPhone so I can twitter/facebook/email/make calls/sms/take photos... aka stay connected.
This is definitely a green badge moment. woohoo!! Though I would have prefer the white/grey/black color option. Much more chic then the green. But it was a gift and I guess I am the green chick... hmmm...
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Vuvuzela - be lost without

Sent from my iPhone
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Zooey Deschanel Chic
Why Melissa? This is why.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Winter Woolie

I bought this one from the Queen Vic Market. I love the Queen Vic. You can grab yourself a filling borek from the deli for $2.50 (2 vegie options on offer yay!) or plonk yourself down at Invita, a wholefoods cafe offering freshly prepared gluten free vegetarian/vegan foods made on premises with organic ingredients wherever possible.
Life is good sometimes, especially when it´s easy on the pocket!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Hot hot hot!!!
I do get rather jealous when I see my colleagues frolicking around in a cardi or a tee and here I am forever rugged up in my jacket, scarf and legwarmers! I too want to be free and frolicky!! What to do what to do??
Well, I could just pop a heater underneath the desk but that wouldn´t be environmentally friendly unless the company was on 100% GreenPower, which is highly unlikely. So what do I end up doing? I get myself a Wheat Bag. You can find these guys every Sunday at the Arts Center market. They are true hippies, no websites or email, only contactable by the trusty telephone.
Wheat Bag, the natural alternative hot water bottle and heat remedy for aches, pains and tense muscles. Once it´s done its job fighting the Winter cold, you can use it as an ice pack during the Summer months by chilling it in the icebox for the desired effect!
You might not get the continuous heat flow as you would from a heater but it does get you out of your chair every hour or so, so you too can frolic around if you please!
5 hours of continuous heater use VS 5 lots of 2 minute microwave nukes. You do the math.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Shoe Shine Shoe
Shoe Shine Shoe, founded from centuries old trade but given a contemporary spin, is proving a big hit amongst the movers and shakers of Melbourne. They offer a walk-in shoe shine service, a drop off service and an in-house service for those with a corporate account.
Now, I know a shoe shine ain't ranked high or ranked at all as a priority for my bro, tho it really should as don't they say you can tell a lot by a man from his shoes?!
So I toddle off to its Rialto Towers headquarters to "create" the gift. You see, they don't offer gift vouchers but being so lovely, Kate (the owner) and Sam (her right hand man) were more than happy to make it work. To give a service and not a potential landfill item is a relief for this green chick. And at $10 a shine, I reckon I can shout my bro a few!
* Handmade card from Arts Centre Sunday market
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
My Vision...
In my sustainable world;
2. Value of goods will be determined by the individual and not by what others value
3. Growth will come from innovation and design
4. Sustainable actions like using reusable cups/bottle, switching off equipment when not in use, will be instinctive
5. Return on Investment will no longer be a monetary measure but a measure of social benefit
Sunday, June 6, 2010
This is... Banksy
You say graffiti, I say gallery outside
Banksy is a smart man but he did go to art school.
Yes, this is a great film but what does this blog entry have to do with Green Chic? For me, it's how Banksy tells the story of commericalism and greed and how it has led to overprice goods and the lost meaning behind the art.
This film illustrates Banksy's view on street art. While it is common to accept street art as having a notoriety attached to it, which adds value to the art, Banksy uses this film to demonstrate that this should not be the case at all. Rather he makes a spectacle of the stupidity of those who are in it for the quick buck and the Americans who buy into the hype that gives street art the notority label. He uses Thierry Guetta aka Mister Brainwash as his example. Some may argue that "Banksy went off brand" by commercially publicizing the film but in my opinion he had to in order to get his message out there to the "wannabe" art buyers. This really was the only avenue he could use. Had he publicized the film via underground methods, his message would not have reached his targeted audience.
The film is funny, provocative and genius. Not only does it contain amazing footage from around the world, it also includes several shots of the work of local artists such as Rone, Ash Keating and Vexta.
While street art continues to spark debate on whether our common spaces are really 'public' and whether there is a difference between street art VS advertising, my advise is to see the film before choosing sides.
Now showing at ACMI til 21 June 2010 - click here for trailer
Official selection SUNDANCE film festival 2010
Official Competition, Berlin film festival
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Auction for Gifts & Promises - Orphfund
Next week, Orphfund will be holding their biggest fundraising event of the year. It takes place in Melbourne on 10th June @ 7.30pm at Rose St Artist Market, Fitzroy. I am pretty sure it will be a great night of entertainment, awareness raising and fun with funds going towards their forthcoming project in Uganda. Rose Street shopping on a Thursday night, how can one say no?! We luv rose street!!
Friday, June 4, 2010
World Environment Day aka #WED2010

* Word Environment Day 5th June *
Today is World Environment Day and crazy busy I am. But nonetheless it is my duty to honor this day. And I do so by passing on this call to action request from 1Million Women. I encourage you to sign up and join the movement. How great would it be great to see Melbourne Women leading the fight in climate change. But I ain't no feminist. So boys, you can do your bit too. Time to get yourself a KeepCup don't you think?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Style over Fashion
¨Anyone who´s rich enough can look polished, but style is much harder, requiring a good eye, good posture, the nerve to be quirky and the confidence to carry it off.¨
- Mark Patrick
[fashion designer cum journalist cum PR & events organizer extrodinaire]
My type of style
photo credit to Vintage is the New Black