Sunday, April 25, 2010

Orphfund - giving aid a good name

Several months back, I purchased this photo block, which now sits on my dashboard for everyone to see! I fell in love with this image as it sends a powerful message and gives a simple solution to the world’s problems.

This image and many other inspirational images are works from small grass roots charity Orphfund. Orphfund works within remote communities in some of the world's poorest countries. It is run by volunteers with all proceeds going towards helping communities living in poverty.

So if you ever think of giving a charitable gift, consider Orphfund rather than big charities who seem to have forgotten why they came into existence in the first place.

* you can't see it properly but top left corner is an image of the Berlin wall with the quote "the world is too small for walls" graffitied onto it. Luv it.


  1. Was meant to ask you where you got it from love.

  2. Love your blog Green Chick - keep up the good work!

  3. Caz love your work!
