Sunday, June 13, 2010

Hot hot hot!!!

I have "another" job to pay the bills. At this job I sit with my back to the window. I´m no genius but I don´t think there´s double glazing on the window as I am always cold. Oh probably sitting under the vent doesn´t help either.

I do get rather jealous when I see my colleagues frolicking around in a cardi or a tee and here I am forever rugged up in my jacket, scarf and legwarmers! I too want to be free and frolicky!! What to do what to do??

Well, I could just pop a heater underneath the desk but that wouldn´t be environmentally friendly unless the company was on 100% GreenPower, which is highly unlikely. So what do I end up doing? I get myself a Wheat Bag. You can find these guys every Sunday at the Arts Center market. They are true hippies, no websites or email, only contactable by the trusty telephone.

Wheat Bag, the natural alternative hot water bottle and heat remedy for aches, pains and tense muscles. Once it´s done its job fighting the Winter cold, you can use it as an ice pack during the Summer months by chilling it in the icebox for the desired effect!

You might not get the continuous heat flow as you would from a heater but it does get you out of your chair every hour or so, so you too can frolic around if you please!

5 hours of continuous heater use VS 5 lots of 2 minute microwave nukes. You do the math.

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