While most of us hit the shops for the Boxing Day sales, I sit here and blog. I no longer have the urge to hit the sales and how better do I feel? Much better, as I am now in control of what I want and no longer am I tempted by the must buy now illusion. I buy when I want to and because I like it, and not because it's cheap or I want to be liked.
Moving forward, it's been refreshing to hear people making their own crafty goods to give as presents this Christmas but sadly I'm no craft whiz, I even have trouble cutting a straight line!
So for me this Christmas I did spend but I spent cautiously. For my 2 besties, one is London and the other thank heavenly in Melbourne, this is what I got them.
Being based in London, I purchased Em's gift from
Eco Age, a UK eco online store. Previously I had pruchased from
Love Eco, another UK eco online store but after coming across Eco Age I was bewitched. Eco Age has a glamour edge, with
Colin Firth's other half being the creative director of this full-service one-stop-shop where people can find beauty, design, inspiration, ideas, advice, and apply concrete solutions for green living. For
the team at Eco Age, the ECO answer is compelling: improvement without compromise.

What did I get Em? Well with London experiencing one of the coldest Winter since the 60s, a blanket made from recycled wool seemed quite appropriate.
For Ness in Melbourne, having known her for 20 years, we've given each other all sorts of gifts! Ness, a senior associate and has been working crazy hours these days. The poor thing, she can no longer can tell the

difference between a weekday to a weekend, much less have time to do the grocery shopping. So I thought this year I would give her a hamper of wonderful local produce and organic delights! Should she need a quick feed or a sugar hit, she can be sure it's all good in all aspects. It had to be specially made, as Ness is allergic to nuts and seeds. One discovery I made during product selection was that
Green & Black organic chocolate also comes in a gift pack/box. I like it, I like it a lot.
Happy Holidays y'all! Here's to great food, great friends and time with the family.