Tuesday, May 18, 2010

No soap, No probs

It was my friend Lisa who first introduced me to Enjo but it was at my sister-in-law recent Enjo party that ignited the excitement again. While many will shun from the idea of party plan buying (admittedly, I included), Enjo is one party I will willingly attend but just not participate. Why would I want to clean someone elses house when I don't even want to clean my own??!

The whole concept of Enjo is to eliminate the use of chemicals during our cleaning process. It's good for us as we don't inhale any toxic chemicals and it's good for the environment as less residue is washed into drains and less plastic bottles are added to our landfill.

microfibre technology + water = clean

It's seriously as simple as that. And surprisingly it actually works.

So added to my growing Enjo collection is the face mitt. I actually use it on my body as I like that it's small, which makes it easy to travel with, unlike the enjo body glove I currently have hanging in my shower, which just never dries and traveling with it is just not an option.

* Cleans skin pores and exfoliates all skin types. Removes body oil, dead skin cells and makeup residue and stimulates blood circulation

Note: Although I accept the cleaning with water concept, I still use a little soap on my Enjo mitt, which is welcomed and won't destroy the mitt. So should I need a thorough clean, I just add a little of my Sukin foaming facial cleanser and the job is done. I like how I smell and I like how I feel!

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