Thursday, May 13, 2010

Green Chick is tickled pink!

It's been a good week. I am just luvin the comments ya'll been leaving on my postings but on top of that the little things friends and family have been doing have also put a smile on my face.

Thanks Chez of for thinking to invite me to Organics Wholefoods Food Inc movie night at Cinema Nova.

Dee, she's just fabulous for thinking of me when she saw her target socks had "think climate" on it's packaging! She's so gorgeous she actually sent me a picture!

I do love my mum! For someone who is so old school, she is slowly but surely catching on. You see my mother though she may carry a reusable bag, she also will accept plastic bags as "they make good garbage bags". So proud she was today to show me that she had gone for the biodegradable bag. Makes a good garbage bag and is good for the environment. High 5 mum! Now she can have her cake and eat it too!


  1. I noticed an ad for that film in the paper .. sounds interesting but I'm worried that I'd never eat anything ever again if I saw it!!

  2. Thanks for the lovely message Carrie! Like I said - you have really changed the way I look at things. Keep up the great work! Dee : )

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