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Can green be chic?
It's In The Bag - http://www.rachelzoe.com/the-green-garmento
What´s the green story?
The Green Hanger was born in response to the hundreds upon millions of wire and plastic hangers ending up in landfills around the world each year.
When mineral makeup hit the markets early 2000s, we were inundated with mineral this and mineral that. But it soon hit a wall when companies such as Loreal were found to be marketing their products as mineral makeup when only a small amount of minerals were used. This was disappointing but at least I knew where not to put my money. So began the hunt for "real" mineral makeup. And yes it does exist. I first started out with Bare ID minerals but they as with most others only came in powder form. Now this green chick is not a fan of the powder as it just scatters everywhere and I mean everywhere. On my clothes, on my dresser, on the floor, on the bed... get the picture...everywhere. So the hunt continued until I came across Mineralogie Pressed Mineral Foundation - the benefits of loose mineral foundation but in a convenient pressed compact. High 5!
So how is this "green"?
Mineralogie uses pure minerals to create its makeup. Minerals that are pure are free of talc, starch, perfumes, and other unhealthy substances found in traditional cosmetics.
My pressed foundation in particular is made with natural ingredients and pressed with sweet almond oil rather than paraben. Being paraben free is crucial to me.
The one on the right is road worthy, the one on the left is not.
I met this girl Anna in my sustainability class and she mentioned her bf worked at Human Powered Cycles, Melbourne's finest city bikes, bike repairs & other bits n bobs. So I decided to pay them a visit. With a new bell, reflector, adjusted front and rear hubs and a service, I'm ready to hit the road.
With the slogan "Give a bike a home", this bike joint is well equipped with all your modern bike needs and with the coolest of peeps and a cafe attached, I will be back. Maybe my bike calls for a basket??