Sunday, August 22, 2010

Seeing Green...

Yesterday´s election I saw two things. There are those of us who want to change the world and there are those of us who just don´t care. I tend to fall into the want to change the world group. Unfortunately to change the world I´ve come to realize we can´t rely on anyone but ourselves to do so. Letś face it, politicians are all talk, blah blah blah but where´ś the action?? I am sick of all this talk and all this wasted resources.

But I´m just a girl living in this big big world. Can I really make a change when it comes to climate change? Maybe not a significant change but isn´t any change better than no change at all?

So it makes me so warm and fuzzy when my darling friend Karts gave me this gift. ¨A green bag for a greener world¨. Whether the bag is ethically made or made from organic materials is not the point. Although ideally it would be awesome if it was but the point is that those around me have started to take note and think more seriously about a future ¨green¨ world.

Although I want to change the world, I am also aware that it is not my place to force it upon others to do so. In order for there to be real sustainable uptake, people need to willingly embrace it themselves. All I´m here to do is to give them a little push in what I believe is the right direction!

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