Thank you Zoya, I no longer feel guilty from a simple pleasure.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Zoya for my nails
Thank you Zoya, I no longer feel guilty from a simple pleasure.
Monday, May 23, 2011
i eat green
- Boil brococolli til soft and mash
- Melt butter in a pan and add olive oil
- Add broccolli mash
- Mix in cooked pasta
- Toss through grated parmensen
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Serve
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
I'm Green and I'm Budget OK

Yes there were cuts made to Climate Change but seriously were the Green Car Innovation Fund, Green Start Program and Clean Car Rebate viable initiatives? I'm glad they're gone. Yes, wasted money but better to admit they are failures now than later.
New initiatives such as $45.6 million going to farmers with the aim of reducing the agricultural impact on climate change, $100 million for renewable energy and efficiency projects, extending the Solar Hot Water Rebate program as part of a $144.2 million renewable scheme, and allocating $20 million to establish a biofuel research institute, are in my opinion more viable solutions in effecting sustainable behaviour.
Helping our farmers, helps with localizing our economy.
'Going local' is a powerful strategy to help repair our fractured world – our ecosystems, our societies and our selves. Far from the old institutions of power, people are starting to forge a very different future... - The Economics of Happiness
I have no sympathy for those who were disappointed to not receive any relief on raising utility bills. How self-involved are these people? Pay for what you use. The law of economics will tell you there is no frigging free lunch.
A recent study Origin Energy, found Australians wasted an astonishing $1 billion on standby energy.
Oh, and onya Gillard for investing heavily in work and training as there are a lot of thick heads out there who need to be properly skilled and skilled in such a way that will foster sustainable actions/behavior.
For I, the budget is a wake up call for Australia to take responsibility.
*I am all for supporting 100% renewable energy, however it is not a solution in addressing our wasteful habits
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
My pursuit of happiness
A beautifully made film that simply links environmental and social movements to promote a ‘new’ economy. It’s nothing out of this world but that’s the thing, it’s pretty much common sense yet somehow we continue to live in a world where a false illusion exist that globalization is the key to economic growth and will solve poverty. HA! End of the day,“globalization is built on handouts to big businesses”, and that is far from sustainable.
We are surrounded with “romanticize images of consumerism” and “superficial solutions”. Are we that insecure to think this will make us happy?
"Research has shown again and again and again, that biodiverse small farms using ecological inputs, produce 3 to 5 times more food than industrial producers" - Vandana Shiva
"All I need is a complete integrated farm of one acre, and I can feed 20 people. We don't need agricultural scientists, we don't need hybrid seeds, we don't need GM, we don't need anything. We just need to be left alone to do our farming." - Balaji Shankar
Intrigued? You can grab a copy of the film via this link or tweet me and we'll get a social experiment happening through twitter where we'll tweet and follow where my copy will travel, a case of collaborative consumption? #collconshappiness