Yes, I've been kinda M.I.A lately. But I've not been away. I've actually been rather active on the social media front. Tweeting, Facebook-ing, Blogging, YouTubing rah rah rah under the moniker(?) Buy Nothing New Month. That's right folks I've taken charge of the social media side of the campaign. Privileged, absolutely. Busy, damn straight. But all in all it's exciting. It's a campaign where it's not asking for money, it's more, in my opinion, about setting you free.
I personally, view the campaign and these are my thoughts only, as why be manipulated into buying stuff you don't need? Know what you like, buy what you like. But don't say you don't have money or boo the carbon tax or the economy and retailers will suffer. These are pretty poor excuses. For retailers, are you scared people will realize you're selling them a crap product? What makes you so special? What about service businesses? What about businesses that are striving to do good or design for the better? Do they not deserve a fair go? As oppose to retailers manipulaing people to buy stuff they don't need? I pity those who defend these retailers, how they need someone they don't even know to stroke their ego for a brief moment, just to be sucked into buying an item they may never use so as to feel better about themselves in the short-term. But in the long-term they end up the sad fool who continues wishing they were something they're not, rather than just living and doing what truly makes them happy. If you are angered by my opinions, then I guess I've hit a nerve ?!
I'm not saying there's a right or there's a wrong. Everyone's values are different. If you value buying stuff you never use, higher than saving for something you really want, like a house or a holiday, or even that beautiful hand made necklace, then we don't have a problem. We only have a problem when you're not truly honest with yourself.
Wooah a light hearted campaign and I've not made it light hearted in this post. But this is my personal blog and I own my thoughts.
I'll leave you with the light hearted side of the campaign by quoting Buy Nothing New Month ambassador, Paul Gilding;
“Buy Nothing New Month isn’t about going without, nor is it Buy Nothing New Never. With the rising costs and pressures of living, it’s about living smarter, reassessing how much we really need, looking at where our stuff comes from, where it goes, and what our alternatives are. Importantly, it highlights the time and money we can access by modifying our consumption and waste.”